Apart from the sunny skies and warm temperatures bringing a preview of spring to Oslo, we had something big to celebrate this week here at Opera HQ: one million likes for our page on Facebook! Yes, that's right: 1,000,000 and counting. If social contacts were currency - and certainly, the obsession with things like Klout scores might make you think that's already the case - we'd be rich! Maybe even as rich as the cakes we brought in to celebrate...
Aleksander, our Facebook guru for Choose Opera, was there to "oversee" the proceedings...
Meanwhile, fellow social media maven Amir was not letting anyone near his slice of chocolate gateau...
But in the end, most everyone got a taste of "sweet success"!
Meanwhile, in a totally unrelated development, those folks running the OPERA experiment at CERN announced that the neutrinos they sent zooming off to Italy last year apparently made the trip in less than record time after all, that "record" being a little thing known as the speed of light. Looks like a loose fiber-optic cable in a GPS unit is all it takes to get nutty-buddy research results, and at least for now, those wily neutrinos still have to obey Einstein's special law of relativity. (Did you know, by the way, that most neutrinos are left-handed?)
Since we're in a science-y mood today, let's wrap up with one more big breakthrough, shall we? Scientists in Australia announced that not only have they created a transistor consisting of a single atom, but they managed to do so using a repeatable process. What does this mean for everyday technology consumers like you and me? My guess is that quantum computer smartphones might now be not too far off in the future. (Though the really important question is: would we use them to do anything other than look up directions and play Angry Birds?)
Have a great weekend, everyone!
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