Saturday, December 24, 2011

This week on the web

If years are like films, then end-of-year wrap ups must be something like the credits. Here at Opera, we compiled our own year in review - in this case as part of our monthly State of the Mobile Web series.

Usually these are snapshots of specific trends, but for our last report of the year, we took a look at the most popular websites for Opera Mini users over the last 11 months. Drumroll, please!

  3. (up 1 from 2010)
  4. (down 1 from 2010)
  7. (up 4 from 2010)
  9. (down 2 from 2010)
  10. (up 2 from 2010)

In November 2011, there were over 144.6 million Opera Mini users. Since that same time last year, the number of unique users on Opera Mini has increased 80.6%. If you are reading this on your mobile device, you're part of this great growth story. :yes:

Meanwhile, YouTube announced its top 10 videos of the year. The list was almost evenly split between talking (dogs, babies) and singing (everyone else), thereby highlighting the essential point that video without audio is just - well - pictures.

Speaking of images, 2011 certainly had its share of memorable moments. One might even say it was chock-a-block with big stories. So it's probably only logical that some enterprising folks over at The Guardian newspaper in the UK organized a group of creative (and patient!) people through Flickr to put together the top news stories of the year in Lego. (Where did they get those sets??)

Finally, for those of you celebrating Christmas, here's hoping Santa will be good to you! For everyone else, enjoy the quiet time as the year winds down, and thanks to all of you for supporting Opera. Have a great weekend!


Computer Software ACCENTURE

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