Saturday, April 16, 2011

A look at Photo Movie Creator from Sony

photo movie creator

Here's a look at a cool new application from Sony called Photo Video Creator.  If you like to take and share a lot of photos with your Android phone, this is definitely one you will want to look at.  The app has a simple interface that takes a group of user selectable pictures and package them up as a video slideshow, complete with a frame, transitions, and background music.

Once the movie is finished, you can save it for playback on your device or upload it to Facebook.  Unfortunately, you can't save a local copy to share with friends or view on another device, exporting to Facebook is the only option.  As Facebook uploading was not available in the press copy, we're not sure of any options for saving it to a computer once it is on Facebook would become available, but it's a possibility.  We Android users are a pretty crafty bunch.

We'll have a closer look with a few pictures of the interface and a video, as well as the download link, after the break.

A look at Photo Movie Creator from Sony posted originally by Android Central

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