Friday, March 25, 2011

The Color Of Money

People. Colors. Apps. Cats. Bacon. Organic. Bieber. Mobile. Social. Local. Pivot. That's the key slide in a faux-deck making the rounds this morning on the web. The subject of the ridicule? Color, the just-launched social sharing mobile app. Why such animosity towards a new player in a crowded space? Well, there are 41 million reasons. The most fascinating aspect about Color right now isn't the product at all, it's the intense backlash occurring on Twitter and the tech blogosphere. And what's fascinating about the backlash is that the vast majority of it also has nothing to do with the product itself. Instead, it's about the $41 million in funding that Color raised pre-launch. (For some context, that's more than the price Yahoo paid for Flickr in 2005.) The general tone of the backlash seems to range from the all-too-predictable "BUBBLE!" to the oddly spiteful "how dare they". Again, fascinating. But let's take a step back for a moment.

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